Smart Contract Functions

Execute the transaction

Borrowers can call the execute method for a specific request

 * @notice executes a loan request with all the relevant details required 
 * by OpenSea to create an Offer
 * @param _submitBidArgs is the calldata that is provided by which
 * includes data such as Purchase Price, lender address, down payment, loan amount,
 * interest rate, & duration of the loan
 * @param _basicOrderParameters provide information about the payment token for the transfer,
 * recipients details & the amount that needs to be sent to each one of them. This param 
 * also provides other details that is required by Opensea to complete the offer such as zone,Conduit key, salt etc 
 * @param _signature is the signature provided by our internal Credit Risk Algorithm 
 * to when the user requests information for a specific NFT. This is
 * provided by, when the user accepts the terms of the loan.

function execute(
        SubmitBidArgs calldata _submitBidArgs, 
        BasicOrderParameters memory _basicOrderParameters, 
        bytes calldata _signature)

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